Strategic Plan (2021-2025)

Focused 2022 strategic plan update

  • PILLAR I - Amplify Learner Success & Enhance Institutional Affinity

    GOAL I-1

    In order to sustain a 4 year graduation rate of 85-88%, with regional and local matches of 40%, while enhancing Top 50 residency matches,  HWCOM must improve the rate of M.D. program students experiencing an interruption in academic progress. Currently, the M.D. program combined 1st and 2nd year student repeat rate is above the regional norm, indicating a need to align the admissions process and curricular management strategies to bring students repeating to 1.5%.

    GOAL I-2

    Increase overall philanthropic engagement to $2.5 million dollars per year for 2022 through 2026. Develop new and existing philanthropic partners/donors/resources to increase overall annual and pledged gifts enabling HWCOM to serve the growing needs of our students, faculty, staff, and community, establish a brand awareness that visibly identifies our mission, articulates the scope of our mission, and incorporates our commitment to the community.

  • PILLAR II - Accelerate Preeminence & Research and Innovation Impact

    GOAL II-1

    Continue to enhance HWCOM reputation and reach by refining programmatic footprint while bringing faculty representation on Scholars@FIU to 100%, instituting a stronger role for social media, and improving current USNWR and QS World University Best Medical Schools rankings.

    GOAL II-2

    Expand HWCOM research capacity and impact. Maximize research potential leading to critical advances in knowledge that will be applied to medical education and clinical care by doubling the current number of postdocs to twelve, increasing the number of research proposals submitted annually to 120, and increasing total research expenditures to ten million dollars.

  • PILLAR III - Assure Responsible Stewardship & Operational Sustainability

    GOAL III-1

    Support College of Medicine program success and expansion by developing a clinical revenue model that leads to operational self-sufficiency and can grow to subsidize all missions of HWCOM.

    GOAL III-2

    Develop and retain productive faculty while decreasing dependence of extramurally funded labs on E&G (Educational and General Funds) funding. Laboratory groups will work to achieve the national benchmark of 53¢ to the extramural dollar of funding.

Our university and the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine have five-year Strategic Plans. At HWCOM we are in the process of generating the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan. This is a vitally important opportunity to develop the framework of the goals, objectives, and initiatives that will direct the future course for HWCOM. The strategic planning process has been initiated and can be reviewed. Faculty, staff, students, and community partners are needed to identify opportunities and develop new strategies. Your contributions are not only welcome but essential for this process.