Hereditary Cancer App

HCApp simplifies the process of determining hereditary cancer genetic counseling and testing eligibility through a questionnaire based on the National Comprehensive Cancer Network's extensive guidelines. Unlike other tools, the HCApp is a point-of-care tool designed to be used in a routine healthcare visit.

  • Simple yes-or-no questions
  • Immediate results
  • Fully anonymous with no saved PHI
  • NO complicated guidelines
  • NO long evaluations
  • NO third-party portals

How it works

HCApp uses skip logic and stops once your patient meets eligibility criteria for hereditary cancer genetic counseling and testing, sometimes in as little as 1 minute!

Our app provides you with prioritized questions to ask your patients and assesses patient eligibility with each question, rather than providing results at the end of a lengthy survey.

It also does not store any personally identifiable information—not of providers, nor of patients.

  • Privacy Policy

    This Privacy Policy describes how HCApp collects, uses, and protects medical information when used by physicians on behalf of patients.

    Information Collected and Not Collected

    • Medical Data: The HCApp asks questions about your patient’s personal and family history of cancer, and ancestry, in order to determine whether your patient meets hereditary cancer genetic counseling and testing criteria.  The medical data is not collected nor stored, nor is any personally identifiable information collected about your patients. HCApp records the time spent on each screening and the eligibility result and the provider identifier.
    • Account Data: When a healthcare provider creates an account a user ID will be given. 

    How We Use Information that has been Input

    We use the inputted information to determine eligibility results.  Time spent on screening will help us to improve the HCApp and develop new features to better serve the hereditary cancer screening needs of healthcare providers.

    Data Retention

    We retain healthcare provider identifiers, amount of time required to get to eligibility, and ​​outcomes of patient screenings for the purpose of research and App optimization. Healthcare providers can request the deletion of their account and associated account data at any time. Upon account deletion, all account data will be permanently deleted from our systems.

    Data Sharing

    We do not store, and therefore do not share, patient medical data with third parties.


    We take reasonable measures to protect data and account information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. 

    Changes to this Privacy Policy

    We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes we make will be effective when we post the revised Privacy Policy in the App and user will be notified in the App.

Help ensure care for at-risk patients

We are looking for clinicians to take part in ongoing research to improve HCApp.

The process for becoming a research participant is simple:

  1. Take our qualification survey to see if you're the right fit.
  2. Sign the consent form and then download the HCApp.
  3. Take a pre-HCApp use survey and receive a $25 gift card.
  4. Use the HCApp with your patients for three months.
  5. Take a post-HCApp use survey and receive a second $25 gift card.

Take our qualification survey


  • Ragisha Gopalakrishnan, MD
  • Heewon Lee, CGC
  • Becky Martinez, MD

Research personnel

  • Hannah Baker
  • Samantha Barkan
  • Sabrina Cardo
  • Tamara Fainblout, MPH
  • Carmelle Kuizon
  • Gabby Llerena
  • Ana Lop
  • Stephanie Martinez
  • Ana Piñon, MD
  • Pura Rodriguez de la Vega, MPH
  • Carolina Valdes-Guicciardi
  • Rachel Wetstone
  • Sarah Widell