Medical Student Council

Coordinating Advisor: Scarlett Aldana-Bosch, MBA

The Medical Student Council (MSC) represents the medical student body and works as a bridge between students, faculty, and administration, influencing school policies and procedures. Students elect MSC officers annually, including a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and FIU Student Government Representative. The MSC leadership also includes the Presidents of the four Class Councils.

As the main student organization, the MSC manages and fairly distributes funds to other medical student groups to support student education. Under the guidance of the Associate Director of Student Programs and Career Services, MSC officers oversee funding and policies for organizations supported by the Office of Student Affairs.

Medical Student Council

President: Cameron Spangler
Vice President: Adam Grieper
Secretary: Dalila Torres
Treasurer: Claire Scozzari
SGA/GPSC Representative: Daniel Cambron
OSR Representative: Kassandra Jade
M3 Chair Advisor: Alexandra Goldman
M4 Chair Advisor: Zachary Blashinsky

Medical Student Council Subcommittees

  • Academic and Professional
  • Athletic
  • Family Weekend
  • Fundraising
  • Social