HWCOM endorses the AAMC Statement on the Learning Environment, which was developed by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Council of Deans, with input from and endorsement by a broad spectrum of AAMC professional development groups. By this endorsement, HWCOM commits to creating a culture of respect between teachers, learners, and patients that are built upon constructive collaboration, mutual respect, and human dignity.
Student Mistreatment
In keeping with its commitment to creating and maintaining a professional learning environment that fosters respect, resilience, integrity, and excellence, HWCOM provides medical students, faculty, and staff avenues to seek guidance and to report incidents of suspected medical student mistreatment.
Forms of Mistreatment
Examples of mistreatment include situations in which a medical student is:
- Publicly embarrassed, publicly humiliated, threatened with physical harm, physically harmed, required to perform personal services
- Subjected to unwanted sexual advances, asked to exchange sexual favors for grades or other rewards, denied opportunities for training or rewards based solely on gender, subjected to offensive sexist remarks or names, given lower evaluations or grades solely because of gender, and denied opportunities for training or rewards based solely on race or ethnicity
- Subjected to racially or ethnically offensive remarks or names, given lower evaluations or grades solely because of race or ethnicity, denied opportunities for training or rewards based solely on sexual orientation, subjected to offensive remarks or names related to sexual orientation, or given lower evaluations or grades solely because of sexual orientation
Students have many resources available to them if they wish to discuss the learning environment and potential incidents of mistreatment, including:
- Student Support Services
- HWCOM Ombudsman
- Student Professionalism and Ethics Committee
- Associate Dean for Medical Education
- Associate Dean for Student Affairs
- Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs
- Academic Advisors
Students are encouraged to report mistreatment via the Incident Report Form as provided in the HWCOM Medical Student Handbook.
Students may also report mistreatment to any of the following individuals:
- HWCOM Associate Dean for Student Affairs
- HWCOM Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
- Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs
- His / her academic advisor
When a student chooses to report an incident of mistreatment, HWCOM will take every reasonable precaution to ensure that the student is protected from any form of retribution, including the removal of the student or the person of concern from the learning environment.
Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Misconduct Policy and Reporting
HWCOM complies with FIU’s regulation Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Misconduct Including Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment, Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking (see FIU-105). Consistent with Federal Law and Florida Statute, this regulation states that the university is prohibited from giving differential consideration based on age, color, creed, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status, or any other legally protected status.
Medical student grievances against faculty, staff, or other students involving discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct are governed by University Policy and the Equal Opportunity in Education Act, commonly known as Title IX. Any student who has experienced or the person who has witnessed discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct by a faculty member, staff, or student can file a Title IX complaint with the FIU Equal Opportunity Programs and Diversity Office by filing an anonymous complaint using the Ethical Panther Reporting Hotline at (844) 312-5358 or online. A student may also speak with a Title IX Coordinator by calling 305-348-1509.
Professional Attributes and Behavior
All of our students, faculty, and staff are expected to demonstrate the following professional attributes.
- Accountability. The individual demonstrates a willingness to accept responsibility for actions, admit error, and be accountable to self, team, patients, and society. Accountability includes the ability to self-assess balance and emotional well-being and to seek help if unable to carry out duties.
- Adaptability. The individual is able and willing to adjust to meet the needs of new or changing circumstances.
- Collaboration. The individual effectively works with others, demonstrating respect, clear communication, and willingness to cooperate in an open-minded fashion.
- Conscientiousness. The individual demonstrates thoroughness and dependability in following through with assigned tasks.
- Critical Thinking. The individual uses an investigatory and analytic approach to all situations. The individual is inquisitive, thoughtful, and able to work through a problem.
- Discernment. The individual demonstrates awareness of the limits of their own knowledge or skills and applies knowledge and skills appropriately for their level of training.
- Emotional Intelligence. The individual demonstrates awareness of emotions of self and others and uses this information to act with situational awareness.
- Ethical Behavior. The individual demonstrates ethical behavior in the classroom and patient care environments (demonstrating beneficence and non-maleficence and promoting autonomy and justice) and is compliant with FIU and HWCOM policies and regulations.
- Integrity. The individual demonstrates truth-telling and the absence of deception in their interactions with others.
- Respect. The individual demonstrates proper regard toward faculty, staff, patients, and peers in diverse settings and interactions.
- Self-Improvement. The individual is responsive to feedback and is willing to assess self and set personal goals for development. This includes assessing personal coping strategies, managing conflicts between personal and professional responsibilities, and seeking appropriate help when needed.