Curriculum Structure

Our 4-year program leading to the MD degree is designed to maximize exposure and training in all areas of medical education. The program prepares students for advancement into postgraduate study and the practice of medicine in any medical specialty or primary care area.

We are a community-based medical school, and our students train in various public and private inpatient and outpatient clinical settings; this training model emphasizes the importance of patient-centered care in diverse patient populations. Our students will develop competency in nine domains, including social accountability, and they will gain hands-on experience observing and caring for households in the community with little or no access to medical care.

Learn more about our StepUp Curriculum


Integrated Curriculum

Educational program objectives linked to the competencies required of all physicians drive curricular content and ensure that all students are prepared for residency.


Academic Steps

The curriculum is divided into 4 steps of study. Coursework is multidisciplinary and features traditional and active-learning formats in which basic science is learned in a clinical context. Each step builds on learning from the previous step.


Longitudinal Strands

Each course in the curriculum is assigned to one of these 5 major strands organized for horizontal and vertical integration of content within courses.