1 Integrated Curriculum
Educational Program Objectives
Our educational program objectives (EPOs) encompass the knowledge, skills, behaviors, and attitudes students are expected to exhibit as evidence of achieving the competencies necessary for graduation and receiving the MD degree. When applicable, these EPOs are linked to the nine domains of competence identified by the Association of American Medical Colleges (in the Physician Competency Reference Set) and the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine as critically important to all physicians.
Physician Competency Reference Set and Social Accountability
The Association of American Medical Colleges Physician Competency Reference Set (PCRS) delineates the common competencies required of all physicians. All Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine medical students must demonstrate achievement in the competency domains outlined by the PCRS. In addition, congruent with our mission, the College of Medicine adopted an additional competency—social accountability—that requires students to work collaboratively to meet the health needs of patients and society, demonstrate improved health outcomes, and reduce health disparities.
Download AAMC PCRS & Social Accountability FIU HWCOM Competency
Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency
Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency (Core EPAs) were designed by the Association of American Medical Colleges as tasks and responsibilities that graduates of medical schools should be entrusted to perform unsupervised upon beginning residency training. The competency domains of the Physician Competency Reference Set and the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine educational program objectives align with these core entrustable professional activities.
Courses and Clerkships by Period and Strand
Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine medical students must pass all required courses, required clerkships, and required and elective rotations.