Rodolfo Bonnin, Ph.D.

Rodolfo Bonnin, Ph.D.

Founding Assistant Dean for Institutional Knowledge Management; and Associate Professor

Office of Medical Education, Psychiatry & Behavioral Health

Office: AHC2 - 491

Phone: 305-348-0660


Rodolfo Bonnin, Ph.D., develops, implements, and evaluates all assessment-related activities for medical and physician assistant students. In addition, he is the course co-director for the Professional Behaviors I and II courses within the Professional Development strand. He also serves as an adjunct professor for the Department of Psychology at the College of Art and Sciences, where he teaches research methodology and data analysis.   

Bonnin is the chief executive proctor and supervises multiple exam proctors, coordinators, and statisticians in the Office of Assessment. He serves as the Chair of the Program Evaluation Committee for the West Kendall Baptist Family Medicine Residency.


Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, University of Missouri, Kansas City, MI
B.S., Management and Organizational Behavior, University of La Verne, La Verne, CA


Bonnin’s research interests are in the areas of cognitive performance reliability and patient competencies related to suicide. He developed a data-driven quality improvement tool that measures teaching and learning effectiveness. Currently, he is leading the development of an innovative suicide curriculum training program. This program is instruction-based and intended to provide our students with increased awareness, literacy, and readiness for patient care about the subject of suicide.     


  • Bonnin, R., Gralnik, L. M., Rothe, E., Obeso, V., von Harscher, H., Shou-Desmarais, N., Creel, L., Castellanos, D. (2021) Overcoming Stigma: A Novel Curriculum for Teaching Medical students about Suicide. Academic Psychiatry. 
  • Barratt, D., Shakir, M., Li, Y., Bonnin, R. (2019). Disclosure of Medical Errors in Stroke Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial in a Simulation Curriculum. Neurology. April 09; 92 (15 Supplement). P2.9-043.  
  • Minor, S., Stumbar, S., Bonnin, R. (2019). Impact on Family Medicine NBME Subject Exam Performance with the Introduction of the Clinical Science Mastery Series. Family Medicine. 51(8), 687-690.  
  • Minor, S., Stumbar, S., Bonnin, R., Samuels, M. (2019). Effect of Repeat Examination on Family Medicine NBME Subject Scores. PRiMER Volume 1;3:8.  
  • Carla Lupi, C. Tempest, H.G., Ward-Peterson, M., Bonnin, R., Ory, S. (2018). Educational effects of assessment comparison of a short answer clinical reasoning examination with multiple choice question format in an organ system module. Medical Science Educator (2017) 27 (Suppl 1):S19–S94.