Maria F. Santacruz
Academic Affairs
Office: GL 321
Phone: 305-348-6940
Email: msantacr@fiu.edu
Maria Santacruz leads the coordination of all assessments, reviews quantitative and qualitative data analysis creating and compiling various reports that ensure students’ acquisition of knowledge and skills. She works directly with the faculty in the development, revision, and administration of all assessment and evaluation-related activities.
Santacruz has over five years of research experience in child development gained at the College of Education. She also contributed to research studies at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. She has counseled children who suffer from autism, developmental disabilities, and children who have experienced excessive fear and anxiety-related problems. Santacruz is an FIU alumna, graduating cum laude, holds a Master of Science degree in Counselor Education, with a concentration in Mental Health Counseling as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology.
Selected Publications
Kenny, M. & Santacruz, M. (2012). Ethical Issues In On Line Counseling. In. B.I. Popoola & O.F. Adebowale (Eds.) Online Guidance and Counseling: Toward Effectively Applying Technology. (pp. 32-47) IGI Global: Hershey, PA.
Kenny, M., Wurtele, S., & Santacruz, M. (2009). Child sexual abuse: Prevention efforts. Florida Psychologist, 60 (3), 6,14