Stephanie Tadal, Ph.D.
Finance and Administration
Office: AHC2 565
Phone: 305-348-2212
Stephanie Tadal is responsible for leading instructional design and training innovation and facilitating the development of pedagogy leveraging modern and emerging educational technologies. She directs the identification, creation, implementation, deployment, and testing of instructional technology initiatives for the delivery of medical education, including the adoption of new instructional technologies. Tadal has conducted environmental assessments and evaluated efficacy of teaching practices in over 1,000 classrooms. As an instructor, she prepares undergraduate and graduate students for teaching in today’s K-12 institutions and has served as dissertation advisor for students pursuing doctoral degrees. Tadal is a regular speaker at national and international conferences, discussing topics related to the equitable use of technology in curricular designs. And she has been consulted on educational policy both at the county and state level.
Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, Social Justice Education, Florida International University, Miami, FL
M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction, University of Florida, Gainsville, FL
B.A., Psychology, Florida International University, Miami, FL
Research Interests
Access and use of educational technology in the classroom-specifically the disparity of access and use amongst typically marginalized populations and the positionality of educators regarding the use of technology in their classrooms and exploring those associated barriers or facilitators.
Recent publications
Marino, M. I., Delgado, S., & Bilge, N., (under review). Virtual Exchange and Underrepresented Student Populations: COILing Experiences of Hispanic Students in Higher Education, Journal of International and Intercultural Communication.
Marino, M.I.. & Tadal, S. (2022, forthcoming). Matching Students: Strategies for Maximizing Inclusion and Success In J. Rubin, S. Guth, S. Doscher, & C. Wojenski (Eds.), The Guide to COIL Virtual Exchange. Stylus.
Marino, M. I., Tadal, S., & Bilge, N., (2022, May). Virtual Exchange and Underrepresented Student Populations: COILing Experiences of Hispanic Students in Higher Education. Accepted for presentation at International Communication Association, Paris, France. (**peer-reviewed)
Marino, M. I., & Delgado Tadal, S. (2022, May 18). Uncovering the experiences of Hispanic Students in Higher Education when engaging in COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning). SUNY COIL Center, New York. Webinar, Virtual.
Marino, M.I. & Tadal, S. (2021, November). COIL Experiences with Latin American Institutions. Presented at Semana Internacional, Blas Pascal University, Cordoba, Argentina.
Marino, M.I. & Tadal, S. (2021, October). Virtual Exchange and Underrepresented Student Populations: Challenges and Barriers for Hispanic Students in Higher Education. In Researching Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Virtual Exchange, Annual Convention: Global Inclusion 2021 [Panel presentation], Virtual & Atlanta, Georgia.